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Happy Birthday Tegoshi Yuya!

And it is today…….. The birthday of the sweet angelic, romantic, boy who inspires my muses to force me to write. Tegoshi Yuya! Tanjoubi Ometedo!


How I wish I could send my voice out as a sweet gift for you!!!!
I really wanna to make a wallpaper… yet I am not too free yet hahah
But Then I will update more tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!


Loads of love!!!,

About angelofdevotion

Born in Thailand, raised in Singapore, came back to Thailand during my teens and lived there since. English is more of my native language, and I teach it for a living!


One thought on “Happy Birthday Tegoshi Yuya!

  1. first of all!!!
    tanjoubi omdetto gusaimsu!!!!how old are you????hehehe….
    you are the one person that i idolized of all the jonnys entertainment
    ill watch ur concerts(news)…..i wish that have a more b-days to come….

    Posted by sai-chan | November 11, 2008, 10:37 am

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