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Happy Graduation to Yamashita Tomohisa

Yahoo!! Yamapi graduated!
Well, even though he was half year later than others, I would say I find that quite great…that he still managed to graduate from university.

We often think that “aidoru” are rather “baka” HOWEVER,  being able to attend a university and graduating from it is already showing one has the potential. Suffering with university work is already demanding and stressful, to graduate from it is what that makes a smile and worth all the hard work being done. I would have to say, being an idol and being responsible in his own studies, is something one should appreciate.

I guess the new face of idols are changing. Not only does they appear on TV to make us happy, but it is their brains that also make us like them more. Idols could not only be models for us to follow their fashion, but follow their footsteps, to pursue a higher education, rather than to be a freeter or parasite single.

Tegoshi Yuya and Kato Shigeaki from NEWS would both be next to graduate.
A waseda student and an Aoyama student are indeed impressive.
It makes you wonder… look idols could do that, why can;t I?

Thanks to Sakurai Sho of Arashi who first represents as the role model to lead juniors to graduate like he did. Kei-chan also graduated, and with honours, (in my field as well) so I guess Arashi and NEWS are rather impressive idol groups who manage to see the importance of studies, and does not leave their studies behind because they chose popularity and career.

How I hope Hey Say JUMP kids will too, pursue the same goal!
Education is important, especially it determines how intelligent and educated you are!

Yamapi, thank you for being another role model for juniors
Ganbare kudasai on your next goal of learning languages!

We will support you always!

angelofdevotion deshita!

About angelofdevotion

Born in Thailand, raised in Singapore, came back to Thailand during my teens and lived there since. English is more of my native language, and I teach it for a living!


One thought on “Happy Graduation to Yamashita Tomohisa

  1. yes! i’m kinda happy to see idols graduating from university. it shows they got the brains not only the looks to be famous.

    Posted by renaye | October 4, 2008, 3:00 pm

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